Invalid result returned from LZW decompression. Failure in LZW compression routine. LZW compression of TIFF image was unsuccessful. Unable to open temporary file Unable to create temporary file Unable to write to temporary file Not a valid TIFF file header Unable to position inside TIFF file Unable to read TIFF file Unable to open TIFF file for input Unable to save an interlaced GIF file as a TIFF file at present (sorry). Needs 32 bit addressing for CopyBits. Unable to lock offscreen bitmap pixels. Unable to allocate memory needed for creating custom icon. Unable to create offscreen graphics world for creating custom icon. Unable to create resource fork. Unable to allocate memory needed for writing TIFF file. Unable to reposition to start of TIFF. Cannot write TIFF - image is not valid because it is too small. Unable to write to TIFF file Unable to truncate TIFF file Unable to open TIFF file for output Unable to create TIFF file for some reason Could not load help dialog Unable to get path of desktop database Unable to write to the scrap Unable to zero the scrap Unable to allocate a picture handle for copying to clipboard Unable to load the scrap Cannot allocate memory for decompressed picture data Code size must be in range 2 to 8 Local colour table extends past EOF Local colour map not implemented yet Image descriptor extends past EOF Unrecognised GIF file format (image descriptor should start with a comma, but does not) GIF extension extends past EOF Global colour table extends past EOF Pixel depth should be in range 1 to 8 Pixel depth should be > zero Screen descriptor should be followed by a zero Non-zero background File does not have a valid GIF signature Cannot allocate memory for a movie frame Movie size not 320 width X 200 height X 8 bits colour depth Cannot close file Cannot read file Cannot allocate memory for reading file into Cannot reposition to start of file File is not GIF picture or FLI movie Cannot read header Cannot allocate memory for reading file header into File size too small to be GIF or FLI Cannot establish file size Cannot open GIF file Unable to write to GIF file Unable to truncate GIF file Unable to open GIF file for output Unable to create GIF file for some reason Could not install QUIT AE handler Could not install PRINTDOC AE handler Could not install OPENDOC AE handler Could not install OPENAPP AE handler Could not load menu bar Screen depth cannot be zero Screen width cannot be zero Cannot allocate memory for internal things Cannot allocate memory for LZW decompression table Unable to allocate memory for internal GIF structures Could not get file system info about file Could not get AE parameter item Could not get AE parameter list Unable to load about box alert handle Could not get dialog control Cannot allocate a window for drawing pictures into Unable to allocate memory for colour table (2) Unable to allocate memory for colour table (1) Cannot allocate memory for reading frames into Cannot open FLI file Unable to allocate memory for pix map Unrecognised chunk type in frame Frame header does not have F1FA as magic number Cannot read frame Cannot read frame length Cannot position to next frame start File data exceeds size of current chunk Picture data exceeds pixel map size Screen to black not implemented File data exceeds size of current chunk Picture data exceeds pixel map size Colour table extends past EOF Error code returned from LZW decompression routine Attempting to extract an integer past EOF Attempting to extract a long past EOF Unable to find volume name Unable to convert working directory ID to real directory ID Unable to write to tag file Unable to truncate tag file Unable to open tag file for output Unable to create tag file for some reason Cannot open tag file Unable to allocate memory for file name queue entry Could not get dialog control Unable to load progress dialogue Unable to load progress dialogue handle Could not load sequence number dialog Could not load seconds per frame dialog Could not get dialog item